Shipping Policy

Ordering an item from We can ship to virtually any address in India. Our Shipping partners are Shiprocket. Shiprocket usually ships through many shipping providers. It list all the available options on the checkout page and you can check the delivery time and charges for the same. Most commonly used are Speed Post, DTDC and Ecom Express depending on the delivery location. If a specific courier service or mode of shipping is required please e mail mentioning the order number and courier details. not liable for any delay in delivery by the courier company / postal authorities. These are beyond our control and are subject to conditions faced at the courier company. Octroi charges will be applicable as per locations payable by the customer at the time of delivery.

Delivery Time
Delivery dates are relative to your location. You can track the status of your shipment with the docket number that will be mailed to you. Please visit for SpeedPost, or DTDC and for ECOM. Feed in your docket number to know the status of the shipment.

Calculating Cost
Shipping costs for orders from depend upon the weight of the product in terms of physical weight or volumetric weight whichever is higher. To reflect the policies of the shipping companies we use, all weights will be rounded up to the next full Kilogram.

Not Delivered By SpeedPost
Speed Post places certain restrictions on the type of products that they will accept to courier and will not ship certain products. Such being the case we may ship through an alternate courier company or inform the customer of the available alternatives.

Delivery Time
Usually all orders are processed and shipped within 24 hours, after payment is confirmed. However, certain categories of products have a different lead-time for delivery purely due to the nature of the product and market stock availability. We hold major stock but supply from our distributors is at times delayed at such times we keep the buyer informed.

Delivery Timeline
Minimum Delivery Time: 2 Days (48 Hours)
Maximum Delivery Time: 10 Days


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